세상 산책 중인 노마드

Art, Architecture, Travel & Life

미술 Art

애니쿤: Mechanical Heart 뉴욕 최초 개인전 curated by Brett Lee at JAKUPSIL

Brett 2025. 2. 14. 11:23


: Mechanical Heart

February 24 – March 9, 2025

오프닝: February 27, 목요일 6-8 pm

72 Warren Street, New York NY 10007


 | Brett Lee, Jakupsil 대표

작업실은 한국의 팝아티스트 애니쿤의 2025년  개인전 《Anikoon: Mechanical Heart》을 뉴욕 트라이베카의 On The Fringe 공간에서 개최한다. 이번 전시는 작가의 대표적인 로봇 시리즈와 함께 다년간 미국을 오가며 포착한 30여 점의 신작을 선보인다. 애니쿤은 로봇이라는 매개체를 통해 현대인의 다중적 정체성, 소통과 소외를 탐구해 왔다. 첨단사회의 완벽함과는 거리가 먼, 어딘가 어설프고 애잔한 존재들로 구현되는 그의 화면  로봇 이미지는 장난스럽고 멍한 모습, 때로는 깊은 슬픔을 담고 있다. 이는 현대인의 복잡다단한 심리 상태를 포착하면서, 타자와의 다양한 접점  동시대를 살아가는 개인  연대의 가능성을 모색한다. 또한, 맥도날드, 코카콜라, 에어조던 같은 미국의 상징적 브랜드를 통해 그가 어릴 적부터 경험한 소비문화와 이방인의 시선에서 바라본 미국의 풍경을 탐구한다. 그의 콜라주에서 증강현실 작품까지 다양한 매체를 활용하는 실험적 접근은 이러한 주제를 현대적 맥락에서 재해석하며 새로운 예술적 경험을 제시한다.


우리는 항상 다양한 가면을 쓰고 살아간다. 그것이 사회적 역할이든, 문화적 정체성이든, 혹은 우리가 스스로에게 부여한 페르소나든 말이다. 고대 그리스 연극의 가면에서 유래한 '페르소나'는 현대사회에서 더욱 복잡한 의미를 지닌다. 애니쿤이란 예명은 애니메이션과 소년을 의미하는 군(君)의 합성어로, 작가가 추구하는 순수성과 예술적 진정성을 함축한다. 그의 작품은 이러한 현대인의 다중적 정체성을 로봇이라는 독특한 매개체에 투영하여 표현하며, 이를 통해 자신 내면의 소리와 타자와 얼굴을 마주한 상황에서 비로소 실현되는 진정한 만남의 가능성을 탐색한다. 이러한 사유의 토대는 유희적이면서도 깊이 있는 이미지로 구현되며, 로봇은 인간 경험을 담아내는 은유로 작동한다. 작가가 로봇을 주요 매체로 선택한 것은 단순한 미적 선호나 개인적 경험을 넘어, 점차 고도화되는 현시대에서 정체성, 상호작용, 그리고 만남이 지니는 윤리적 차원을 탐구하기 위한 개념적 도구로도 볼 수 있다. 이를 통해 애니쿤은 인간적 연결에 대한 깊은 개인적 탐구를 유지하면서도, 동시대적 담론과 공명하는 시각적 대화를 이끌어낸다.


애니쿤의 로봇 시리즈는 미국의 한 벼룩시장에서 발견한 낡은 로봇 장난감과의 우연한 만남에서 시작되었다. 한때 누군가의 소중한 친구였지만 이제는 버려진 이 로봇은 소비사회의 덧없음과 인간 감정의 무상함을 상기시킨다. 이는 단순한 발견을 넘어 작가의 정체성을 정립하는 계기가 되었고, 이후 그의 작업은 더욱 독자적인 언어를 획득했다. 전통적인 공상과학 영화에서 보여지던 세련된 기계의 이미지에서 벗어나, 오히려 인간의 불완전성과 취약성을 체현하는 매개체로 발전한다. 장난스럽고 멍한 모습, 당혹감과 깊은 슬픔을 동시에 담은 이들의 표정은 현대사회 속 다양한 인간의 모습을 반영하며, 관객에게 소외된 존재들의 이야기를 환기하고 잊고 있던 내면의 감정과 대면할 기회를 제공한다.

화면  로봇들은 장난스러움과 천진난만함, 당혹감과 깊은 슬픔까지 다양한 감정을 담아낸다. 이러한 다층적 표정은 현대인의 심리를 정교하게 포착하며, 동시에 우리가 모두 착용하고 있는 가면으로 기능한다. 작가는 자아는 물론 타자와의 관계를 로봇의 얼굴을 통한 일종의 '얼굴의 현현'으로 접근하며, 겉으로 드러나는 모습과 내면의 소리 사이의 간극을 시각화한다. <Rusty Robot>,  <Heart to Heart>와 <Adult Block> 연작에서도   있듯이 로봇의 얼굴이나 행위에서 서사를 탐구하며, 이는 만화적 상상력과 순수성에 대한 동경, 그리고 그것이 현실에서 온전히 실현될  없다는 이중적 인식을 드러내며 작가의  작품세계를 관통하는 핵심요소로 자리한다. 사고를 확장하기를 바라는 작가의 이러한 태도는 우리가 잊고 있었던 가면  어린이를 찾는 즐거운 여정이며, 우리 내면의  다른 나, 혹은 타자를 마주하는 과정에서 다른 이의 감각을 확장하고 상상할  있는 힘을 준다. 레비나스는 이처럼 타자를 바라보는, 얼굴과 얼굴을 마주한 상황은 진정한 실현의 시간이며 타자를 있는 그대로 보고 수용하는 행위는 결국 자신 또한 실현되는 것이라 했다. 애니쿤은 이러한 그의 예술적 실천에서 아름다움이란 감정을 불러일으켰다면 이미 그것이 대단한 성공이고,  느낌을 타인에게 전달하는 반복적인 표현 방식이 그의 작업이라고 한다.


전시에서 특히 주목할 점은 기존의 로봇 시리즈는 물론, 최신작인 맥도날드, 코카콜라, Air Jordan, 스팔딩 농구공과 같은 미국의 대중문화와 자본주의를 대표하는 브랜드들을 이방인의 시선으로 포착

한다는 것이다. 이들은 단순한 상업적 아이콘을 넘어, 현대인의 욕망과 소외를 동시에 표상하는 양가적 기호로 기능한다. 특히 스팔딩 농구공은 작가에게 어렸을 적부터 영화 '캐스트어웨이'의 윌슨과 같은 존재로, 소외된 자의 고독을 달래주는 동반자이자 소통의 매개체로 작용한다. <Candy Box> 연작에서는 문구점 앞 뽑기 기계가 주던 어린아이의 설렘과 추억과 동시에 우연성의 긴장을 담아낸다. 형형색색의 캡슐들이 가득 담긴 뽑기 기계처럼, 현대사회가 약속하는 수많은 가능성과 상상의 세계를 유쾌하게 선사한다. <스타워즈> 시리즈는 애니쿤의 예술세계를 가장 잘 보여주는 대표작이다. R2D2, C3PO, Storm Troopers와 같은 시대의 아이콘들은 할리우드의 영웅적 캐릭터가 아닌, 소비사회 속 고독한 타자들로 맥락을 달리한다. <Rusty Robo> 이나 <You are not alone> 연작에서처럼 때로는 내면의 분노나 대중의 모습을 대변하기도 하고, 코카콜라와 캠벨스프 깡통에 갇힌 듯한 이들의 모습은 자본주의 속 현대인의 실존적 곤경, 무력함 또한 상기시킨다.


작가의 다채로운 매체 실험도 주목할 만하다. 잘라낸 캔버스와 잡지 등을 이용한 콜라주, 셰이프트 캔버스, 그라인더로 갈아낸 화면  다양한 회화적 시도는 작품의 물질성과 시간성을 강조한다. 특히 그라인더로 표면을 갈아내는 독특한 기법으로 만들어내는 오래된 동판같은 질감은 작품에 물리적 깊이를 더하며, 이는 단순한 기술적 실험을 넘어 화면  대상이나 관객들의 퇴적된 기억을 끌어올리는 장치로도 작용한다. 작가는 미국의 골동품 시장을 자주 방문하며 수집한 오래된 잡지, 장난감 로봇, 그리고 일상적으로 접하는 미국의 각종 브랜드를 작품의 주요 소재로 활용해왔다. 이러한 오브제들은 현대 소비문화의 아카이브이자 작가의 시선을 담는 재료이다.  사물과 브랜드의 표면적 의미를 넘어,  속에 담긴 이야기를 발견하고 전달하려는 시도가 중요한 예술적 행위라고 작가는 언급한다. 최근 형식적 측면에서도 새로운 시도가 돋보인다. 증강현실 기술을 활용한 거대 로봇 작품으로의 확장은 최신 기술과 예술의 접점을 모색하는 중요한 시도이며, 모바일 기기를 통해 증강현실  로봇들과 교감할  있는 플랫폼 구현은 관객과의 새로운 소통 방식을 제시한다. 삼성 모바일, LG디스플레이는 물론 이번 전시의 후원자인 마쿠와의 협업, 신시내티 블링크 페스티벌의 '시크릿 월' 라이브 퍼포먼스 등을 통해 작품의 구현 방식의 지평을 꾸준히 확장하고 있다.

애니쿤의 작품은 향수적 감성이나 위안을 넘어, 상처받고 분노하며 슬픔 속에서도 명랑할  있는 내면의 어린이, 타자의 얼굴을 대면하는 자세를 통해 진정한 소통을 추구한다. 우리의 삶에서 이러한 다양한 존재들이 어떤 의미를 가지는가에 대한 작가의 탐구는 타자와의 관계를 로봇의 얼굴로 접근하는 그의 독특한 방식으로 이루어져왔다. 그가 말하는 겉과는 다른 내면의 소리가 담긴 것을 로봇은 물론 여러 소비재의 간판들로 표현하며,  사물과는 다른 새로운 차원,  속의 스토리를 들려주려 한다. 사회의 구조적 모순을 예리하게 포착하면서도,  안에서 새로운 연대의 가능성을 끊임없이 탐색한다.  전시는 애니쿤의 이러한 예술적 탐구의 응축된 결과물로서, 이방인의 시선으로 포착한 미국 문화의 초상과 보편적 인간성에 대한 탐구가 교차하는 장이  것이다.



Brett Lee

T. +1 215 906 5200

E. brett.jakupsil@gmail.com

W. www.jakupsil.com

IG. @brettdhlee 



[영문 전시글] - 뉴욕 현지 Press 글


Anikoon: Mechanical Heart

February 24 – March 9, 2025

Opening Reception: Thursday, February 27, 6-8 pm

72 Warren Street, New York NY 10007


Text | Brett Lee, Curator


Jakupsil is pleased to present Anikoon: Mechanical Heart, a solo exhibition of new paintings by Anikoon at On The Fringe in New York. The exhibition features twenty new works inspired by Anikoon’s frequent travels to the United States, presented alongside his acclaimed robot series. Through these unique mechanical intermediaries, Anikoon examines the multilayered identities of contemporary individuals and the tension between solidarity and alienation in our increasingly mechanized world. His robots, deliberately removed from the sleek perfection of high-tech society, appear disarmingly awkward and vulnerable, with expressions ranging from playful bewilderment to profound melancholy—reflecting the complex emotional landscape of modern life. Expanding this inquiry, Anikoon's new body of work engages with American consumer culture through the lens of childhood memory and foreign perspective, incorporating iconic brands like McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and Air Jordan. Also, his experimental painterly approach, which encompasses techniques from collage to augmented reality, bridges personal narrative with universal questions about humanity while creating innovative artistic experiences.


We all wear multiple masks in life, whether through social roles, cultural affiliations, or self-constructed facades. The concept of persona, rooted in ancient Greek theater masks, holds a particular significance in contemporary society. Anikoon's chosen pseudonym, merging 'animation' with 'kun' (meaning 'boy' in Korean), embodies his artistic pursuit of innocence and creative authenticity. Through his distinctive robotic medium, he examines the multiple identities we carry, exploring the possibility of genuine human connection that emerges when our inner voice meets another's true self. This conceptual framework manifests in works that balance playfulness with profundity, employing robots as metaphorical vessels for human experience. His choice of robots transcends mere aesthetic preference, serving as a conceptual basis for examining identity, interaction, and the ethical dimensions of face-to-face encounters in our increasingly digital world. Through this approach, Anikoon creates a visual dialogue that resonates with contemporary discourse while maintaining a deeply personal investigation into human connection.


Anikoon's robot series originated from a chance encounter with an abandoned toy robot at a flea market in New York. Once cherished but now discarded, this robot became a poignant symbol of the impermanence inherent  in both consumer goods and human emotions. This discovery transformed both the artist's identity and artistic language. Departing from the sophisticated mechanical imagery prevalent in science fiction, his robots instead embody human imperfection and vulnerability. Their expressions—playful, vacant, disconcerted, and melancholic—reflect various facets of contemporary human existence, inviting viewers to confront marginalized narratives and forgotten emotional landscapes.

The robots within his canvases carry a spectrum of emotions, precisely capturing the psychology of contemporary individuals while functioning as the masks we all wear. Through these mechanical masks, Anikoon approaches both self-identity and relationships with others as an epiphany of the face, visualizing the gap between external appearance and internal voice. As seen in the Rusty Robot, Adult Block, and Heart to Heart series, his exploration of narrative through robotic faces and gestures reveals a core element that runs throughout his work: an interplay between cartoon-like imagination and longing for innocence, coupled with the recognition that such purity remains elusive. Yet, his intention to expand our perception becomes a joyful journey of finding the child behind our masks, while the process of confronting our inner selves and others enhances our capacity for sensing and imagining others' experiences. Anikoon states that in his artistic practice, evoking emotions of beauty itself fulfills his aspiration, and his work becomes the repeated endeavor of sharing these feelings with others. As Levinas suggested, such face-to-face encounters with the Other represent moments of true realization, where accepting others as they are into one's domain ultimately leads to self-realization.


Alongside his established robot series, new works engage with American pop culture and consumerism through his lens as a foreigner. Iconic brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Air Jordan, and Spalding basketballs function beyond commercial symbols, serving as ambivalent markers of contemporary desire and alienation. The Spalding basketball series resonates with the artist as a Wilson-like companion from Cast Away, serving as both solace for the isolated and a medium for connection. The Candy Box series captures childhood excitement and nostalgia through vending machine imagery while expressing the tension of chance. The colorful capsules brimming within the machines playfully reflect modern society's promised possibilities and imagined worlds. The Star Wars series stands as his most emblematic work, recontextualizing iconic figures like R2-D2, C-3PO, and Storm Troopers not as Hollywood heroes but as solitary figures subsumed by material culture. The Rusty Robot and You are not alone series represent inner rage or collective discontent, while figures trapped within Coca-Cola and Campbell's soup cans evoke the existential predicament of contemporary life.

Anikoon’s  material use is also noteworthy in this show. His diverse painterly approaches—including collage with cut canvases and magazines, shaped canvases, and uniquely ground surfaces—emphasize both materiality and temporality. His distinctive technique of grinding surfaces creates an aged copper-like texture, adding a tactile reading and physical depth while functioning as a device to excavate layered memories in both subjects and viewers. He regularly incorporates materials collected from antique markets—vintage magazines, toy robots, and everyday brand items—as primary elements in his work. These objects serve as both an archive of contemporary consumer culture and vessels for the artist's perspective. For him, the crucial artistic act lies in discovering and conveying the narratives embedded within these objects, beyond their surface meanings.

Recent formal experiments demonstrate new artistic trajectories. His expansion into augmented reality giant robot works represents a significant exploration of the intersection between cutting-edge technology and art. The implementation of a platform allowing audience interaction with augmented reality robots through mobile devices presents novel modes of engagement. Through collaborations with Samsung Mobile, LG Display, and Makku, as well as his Secret Wall live performance at the Cincinnati Blink Festival, he continuously broadens the horizons of artistic realization.


The exhibition crystallizes Anikoon's pursuit of authentic communication through his distinctive vision of the inner child—one capable of maintaining cheerfulness despite wounds, anger, and sorrow. Through his distinctive robotic visages, at once playful and melancholic, he maps the complex terrain of modern identity and alienation, while the encounter with the Other becomes a vehicle for genuine connection. His work transcends mere nostalgia and consolation, revealing new narratives within robots and things that differ from their appearances, expressing inner voices that contrast with external facades. While sharply capturing society's structural contradictions, he continuously explores new possibilities for solidarity. The result is a powerful meditation on our shared capacity for both vulnerability and resilience, where an outsider's view of American cultural iconography converges with profound questions of universal humanity in our increasingly mechanized world.


Brett Lee

T. +1 215 906 5200

E. brett.jakupsil@gmail.com

W. www.jakupsil.com

IG. @brettdhlee


